Download & Install


GrIP is available in both .zip and .tar.gz formats. The downloaded file contains:

  1. 'GrIP.m' : This is the main program where all the relevant functions have been defined, which enables the user to carry out all of the computations.
  2. 'GrpInfo.m' : This file contains information about dimensions of the representations of various SU(N) groups with N≤5 and their corresponding Dynkin labels.
  3. 'MODEL' : This folder contains examples for model input files. Two model files are provided one in terms of the Dynkin label ( _Dyn is appended at the end) another in terms of the representation ( _Rep is appended at the end), for each of the following scenarios:
  4. 'Example_SM.nb','Example_MSSM.nb' : Two Mathematica® Notebook files, for non-supersymmtric and supersymmetric input models are provided. The results there are generated using "SM_Rep.m" and "MSSM_Rep.m" input files from the 'MODEL' folder respectively.
  5. 'CHaar.m' : This sub-program calculates character for a particular representation and Haar measure for a given connected compact group when the corresponding Dynkin label is provided. This program can be used without preparing any input file.
  6. 'Example_CHaar.nb' : A Mathematica® Notebook file that contains illustrative examples showing how the functions of CHaar work.

How to Install

There are two ways the user can follow to install and load GrIP in Mathematica® Notebook:

  1. One can simply extract the downloaded file in a local folder. Then the user needs to set the path of that local folder to load the package in Notebook.
  2. One can also extract the downloaded file in the 'Applications' folder inside the $UserBaseDirectory. In this case, there is no need to provide the path of the folder while loading the package in Notebook.



  1. .zip file
  2. .tar.gz file